Hit the Road, Not Your Diet: Mastering Healthy Travel Eating with The Roasted Purpose
Hey Friends,
So, we all know how it is, right?
When we're on the road, we sometimes take a detour to that all-too-familiar gas station and - boom! - our healthy eating habits go out the window. But guess what? This time, we’re switching things up. I decided to pull my stuff together and plan ahead to keep our food choices nutritious and yummy. Check out the essentials I packed:
A Snackle Box from Sara’s Boxes and Boards: Talk about a foodie's heaven! We're talking high-quality meats, tasty nuts, fresh fruits, and scrumptious cheeses. Let me tell you, my family adored this box. The guys even declared that we couldn't hit the road without one next time. And guess what? We didn't need to buy anything extra from the grocery store.
Sophie’s Bakery Muffins: For those sweet tooth emergencies, we've got these delightful protein muffins ready to rescue us.
My secret weapon: on-the-go protein coffee. You might not know this, but I lost 20 lbs using protein coffee for breakfast and an afternoon snack every day. Now, our road trips always feature this coffee routine. Travel inspired the idea for our on-the-go gourmet protein coffees.
Travel Frother: This little gem has a lid, so it's super easy to use while on the move. Froth, lid-on, and off we go.
Travel Mug: I picked this beauty because the top of the leaves on the cup mark the 8 oz water line. No measuring needed! It's all about easy-peasy coffee making on the go - just add water and a packet, stir, and savor.
Chomps: Who else loves Chomps jalapeño beef sticks? They’re sugar-free (a rare gem in the jerky world), so they fit into my macros perfectly.
Here's the real kicker - we didn't pick up a single thing from the gas station on our trip, except the gas itself. Now that's what I call a win!
Now, I want to hear from you. What are your travel must-haves? Let’s get this convo started over on Facebook. Can’t wait to hear your ideas!